Jessica Mosby


Senior Financial Advisor

Phone: 587-220-0865
Image of Jessica Mosby, Senior Financial Advisor at ATB Wealth, against white background

Thoughtful. Motivated. Energetic.

Jessica has a passion for educating people and developing plans to help her clients grow their money. Her diverse experience in banking, finance and wealth management makes Jessica the perfect companion on your ATB wealth journey.

Your financial planning expert

Even if you may not know your financial goals, this senior financial advisor is ready to help you discover them and will set a path that will get you there. Jessica’s specialties include building customized comprehensive wealth plans and portfolios that consider your financial health and your dreams.

Keep dreaming and keep planning

Jessica believes that planning is the way to achieve success. When she’s not working, she is out exploring the great outdoors with her family and dogs in the Lethbridge area.

Contact me

I’m always happy to help with your financial needs. Send me a message or contact me at my branch and I’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.

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ATB Securities Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization

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