Board of Directors

J. Robert Logan
Jt. Hons. BSc., MBA, ICD.D, GCB.D in ESG
Governance & Conduct Committee Chair

Rob Logan

Rob Logan gained comprehensive experience in all aspects of the finance industry while serving as an executive at both Canadian and US multinational banks. He is the retired CEO of Osprey Informatics, a Calgary-based AI company. Rob brings a unique combination of experience to the Board, having been CEO of two Alberta-based technology companies, an advisor to a small- and medium-sized enterprise acquisition fund and a member of several public and private boards. During Rob’s career, his leadership assisted three successful corporate turnarounds, two world-class business builds and the adoption of game-changing AI technologies at Osprey.

Currently, Rob is active as a mentor and investor at Galatea Technologies and in the Alberta technology community. He holds a Jt. Hons. B.Sc. degree from the University of Waterloo, an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and an ICD.D designation.

Current directorships

  • Galatea Technologies

Past directorships

  • Osprey Informatics
  • CanElson Drilling
  • Orvana Minerals
  • Carmanah Technologies
  • AZ Technology Investors

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