Alberta leads in charitable donations
Alberta tax filers claimed a total of $1.6 billion in charitable donations in 2019
By ATB Economics 11 March 2021 1 min read
Despite high unemployment and a sluggish economy in 2019, Alberta still led the provinces in terms of charitable donations*.
The latest data from Statistics Canada show that the median charitable donation claimed by Alberta tax filers in 2019 was $500. If the territories are included, Nunavut tops the list at $630.
The median donation in Canada as a whole was $310. Tax filers in Quebec reported the lowest median donation at $130.
Alberta tax filers claimed a total of $1.6 billion in charitable donations in 2019, up 0.5 per cent from 2018. The Canadian total was $10.3 billion.
Despite a growing number of tax filers, the number of donors has decreased for five years in a row while total donations have been rising. Put another way, fewer donors are contributing more. This trend is also occurring in Canada as a whole.
At the same time, the number of Canadians (provincial data were not reported) making large donations increased while the number making small donations decreased.
The average amount donated rises with age. The average donation among Albertans under age 25 was $910 in 2019 compared to $4,330 for those age 65 and over.
Not surprisingly, income is also a key factor. Canadians with incomes over $80,000 are more likely to report making donations compared to those earning a lower income.
*The data in today’s Owl only include charitable donations claimed on tax returns.
Answer to the previous trivia question: The Bank of Canada opened its doors as a privately owned institution in 1935. The Bank became publicly owned in 1938.
Today’s trivia question: Approximately how many registered charities are there in Canada?
The number of donors has decreased for five years in a row while total donations have been rising
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