Crops up, cattle down
A look back at Alberta farm revenue in 2020
By ATB Financial 5 March 2021 1 min read
Farm cash receipts* in Alberta increased by 3.1 per cent ($458.5 million) last year. This followed an increase of 11.0 per cent in 2019 ($1.5 billion).
Crop receipts increased by 7.6 per cent ($524.3 million) while livestock receipts decreased by 4.0 per cent ($280.2 million).
The drop in livestock revenue was largely due to a 5.8 per cent ($310.5 million) decline in cattle receipts. Statistics Canada notes that the decline in cattle receipts was the result of “reduced capacity at meat processing plants, especially during the early months of the pandemic.”
Wheat (including durum) crop revenue was up by 9.7 per cent ($200.1 million) last year. Canola revenue rose by 9.8 per cent ($238.4 million).
Cannabis, which represents about 7.6 per cent ($565.5 million) of total crop receipts, edged up just slightly by 0.4 per cent.
Although just 2.3 per cent ($170.7 million) of total crop receipts, lentils posted the largest annual increase at 138.7 per cent ($99.2 million).
Nationally, total farm cash receipts increased by 8.1 per cent ($5.3 billion) in 2020. Crop receipts rose by 14.2 per cent while livestock receipts fell by 0.8 per cent.
*Farm cash receipts represent the cash income received from the sale of agricultural commodities as well as direct program payments made to support or subsidize the agriculture sector.
Answer to the previous trivia question: The Atlanta Flames move to Calgary for the 1908-81 NHL season.
Today’s trivia question: Which country bought the most lentils (in dollar value terms) from Alberta in 2020?
Farm cash receipts in Alberta increased by 3.1 per cent ($458.5 million) last year
Economics News