Mental health under pressure during the pandemic
Almost half of Canadians consider their stress levels to be worse than before the pandemic
By Rob Roach, ATB Economics 27 September 2021 1 min read
If you have been feeling extra stressed during the pandemic, new survey results* from Statistics Canada show you are not alone.
During the period from April to June 2021, 24.8% of Canadians reported experiencing high levels of stress most days and 46.1% considered their stress levels to be worse than before the pandemic. “This was particularly true among women; those aged 25 to 54; the LGBTQ2+ population; and those living with children.”
Mental health is important for all sorts of reasons including how it affects the economy. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, “the total cost from mental health problems and illnesses to the Canadian economy is conservatively estimated to be at least $50 billion per year.” The stress created by the pandemic will only make this worse.
The survey results are a good reminder that we need to be kind to one another and keep improving how we respond to mental health challenges as individuals, families, friends, neighbours, employers, communities, Albertans and Canadians.
If you or someone close to you is struggling with mental health challenges, the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. Mental health affects everyone, and there are resources and community support available to help you through what you’re dealing with.
If you need support, but aren't sure where to start, this link outlines five resources available to Albertans.
*The results are from the first wave of the Canadian Social Survey - COVID-19 and Well-Being.
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Today’s trivia question: Approximately how many neurons are there in the human brain?
Almost half of Canadians consider their stress levels to be worse than before the pandemic
Economics News