January showcased a surge in restaurant activity
Sales at Alberta’s restaurants and bars increased by 7%
By Siddhartha Bhattacharya, ATB Economics 28 March 2023 less than a minute
According to new Statistics Canada data, restaurant and bar activity in Alberta grew higher in January.
Following a 1.6% uptick in December, seasonally-adjusted revenues at Alberta’s food services and drinking places jumped by $64.3 million (7.0%) in January.
With this gain, monthly revenues stood 5.1% above the previous high reached in September 2022.
Relative to January 2022, sales were up by $207 million (31.0%) with full-service restaurants driving over half the aggregate increase.
Every province posted increases in sales, led by British Columbia (+15.4%), Ontario (+8.6%), and Saskatchewan (+7.2%).
Nationally, revenues grew by $643.6 million (8.7%) in the month.
Answer to the previous trivia question: According to Our World in Data, almost a quarter of the world’s adults smoke tobacco.
Today’s trivia question: How many ounces is the steak that Chet Ripley (played by the late great John Candy) orders in the 1988 film The Great Outdoors?
Seasonally-adjusted restaurant and bar sales in Alberta were approaching $1 billion in January 2023
Economics News