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How to cancel a pending transfer or request for money by INTERAC e-Transfer® on ATB Personal

Learn how to cancel a pending INTERAC e-Transfer transaction using the ATB Personal banking website.

Using the ATB Personal app instead?

Learn how to cancel a pending Interac e-Transfer® using the ATB Personal app.

Sent or requested the wrong amount? Used the wrong recipient? Whatever the issue, cancelling a transfer or request for money that you made using Interac e-Transfer is an easy fix on ATB Personal.

  1. Log in to ATB Personal.
  2. From the Overview screen, click Move Money in the primary navigation.
  3. From the Move Money menu, click Interac e-Transfer®.
  4. On the Interac e-Transfer screen, click the Transfer history tab to see your list of transactions.
  5. Under Pending transfers, click the transaction you want to cancel.
  6. On the Send/Request money details screen, click Cancel transaction.
  7. Confirm the cancellation. There are a few things to keep in mind:
    1. You can only cancel an Interac e-Transfer transaction before the recipient has accepted it.
    2. Interac e-Transfer transactions expire automatically after 30 days if they’re not deposited.
    3. If you don’t want to cancel the transaction but the recipient hasn’t responded, click Resend notification to send them an email reminder.
  8. You're all done!

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