Alberta’s economic outlook: A discussion with Todd Hirsch, ATB's Chief Economist
By ATB Financial 7 April 2020 less than a minute
Due to the ever changing nature of the state of the economy, this webinar in no longer available for viewing.
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April 7, 2020 Economic Webinar
Alberta's business landscape is evolving at a rapid pace with increasing concerns surrounding COVID-19. Business owners and leaders are challenged to think and act fast while pivoting to establish a new normal. As we navigate through this challenging time, the state of the economy plays a crucial role for understanding what the future of business may look like, both in the short, and long-term.
Hear from ATB’s Chief Economist, Todd Hirsch, and listen to his current insights (as of April 7, 2020) on the state of the economy including a round-up of what we know, what we don't know and some anticipated bright spots that we might see when COVID-19 has passed.