indicatorAdvice for Alberta businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic

Living in a COVID Economy: Four scenarios for the second half of 2020

Free on-demand webinar presented by the ATB Entrepreneur Centre

By ATB Financial 30 July 2020

The initial shock of the COVID-19 crisis is behind us, and businesses have gradually re-opened. Still, massive questions are obscuring the way forward. What can we expect this fall? When will businesses start to feel like things are returning to normal? And how will workers find jobs in an economy that has lost its bearings?

There are no certain answers to these questions, but there are four possible scenarios that could play out over the second half of 2020. Each scenario has unique characteristics and the probability of each is different. Only one scenario is likely to play out, bringing with it challenges and opportunities for Alberta's businesses.

Four possible scenarios for Alberta's economy for the second half of 2020

The four scenarios we outline are each named after an animal, matching the characteristics of the animal with the characteristics of the scenario; the koala, the tarantula, the hippo and the grizzly bear. It’s worth noting that of those four scenarios, not all have the same probability. Which scenario are we most likely to see in Alberta’s near economic future?

Check out our insights on The Owl for a deeper look at what the future may hold.

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