indicator2021 RRSP investing tips

Welcome to the Retirement Simulation Game!

In this simulation game, you’ll navigate some of life’s biggest decisions and their impacts on your retirement nest egg, savings and debt.

Do you want to go to post-secondary school? Have children? Buy a house? All of these decisions impact your finances at retirement.

Regardless of your age, it's best to start thinking about retirement right now. Remember, you always have the opportunity to improve your financial situation through good planning and informed decision-making.

Remember, this simulation is theoretical and real life may differ. These calculations are for illustration purposes only and not a guarantee of performance. It's always best to talk to an advisor before making a large financial decision.

Now, let’s see how you do!

Not sure where to start?

Don’t worry, you’re not the first or the last. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Wealth Advice Centre where real-live investing experts are standing by.

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