Walid Azzam


Senior Financial Advisor

Phone: 403-988-3580
 Image of Walid Azzam, ATB Senior Financial Advisor, on white background.

Laid back. Dependable. Competitive.

Walid Azzam is a senior financial advisor based out of Calgary. Qualified with his Certified FInancial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) designations, Walid is dedicated to helping you succeed financially.

Dynamic partnership

Walid has always had a passion for understanding the stock market. At the age of 20, he lost money on speculative mining stocks, a lesson that spurred him to want to learn more and help others understand the risks involved with investing. Walid believes that the best client relationships are partnerships where all cards are on the table. As his client, you can rely on Walid to be there to listen and offer sound, unbiased advice on topics that range from money to more personal dynamics. His top financial advice is to pay yourself first, as successful saving habits are easiest to follow when established early.

Informed and interpersonal

At work, Walid enjoys attending professional and social gatherings with the ATB family, building client relationships, and making collaboration fun and easy. Walid stays up to speed about the industry by attending financial seminars and participating in advisor brainstorming and collaboration. Outside of work, Walid enjoys playing hockey, cooking, golfing, and going on vacation with his family.

Contact me

I’m always happy to help with your financial needs. Send me a message or contact me at my branch and I’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.

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Know your advisor: CIRO Advisor Report

ATB Securities Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization