
Integrated Receivables

Get paid faster and grow your working capital with help from ATB.

Too often getting paid is cumbersome, inconvenient or slow. And it's more than a gripe—outstanding receivables can erode working capital, hamstring the growth of a business, or worse. 

ATB offers Alberta businesses a powerful collection of tools to make getting paid faster happen automatically. Our integrated payment solutions scale with your business and offer you a seamless experience from setup to support:

  • Receive payments anytime, anywhere through ATB Online Business
  • Get paid faster when you allow customers to settle however they like, thanks to ATB's wide array of payment receipt capabilities
  • Make reporting and reconciliation a breeze with digital payment solutions and cheque management tools

The bottom line is a better bottom line, thanks to customized, integrated solutions designed to help with every step of your receivables process.

Connect with an expert.

ATB's experienced integrated receivables professionals will make getting paid simpler, faster and easier.

Find the right treasury solution for your business.

Need help?

Our ATB Business Solutions team will be happy to assist.